
Nov 14, 2013 | Musings

Nostalgia is a powerful emotion. It transports the soul to a place of fondness and comfort. A place that lives in the heart and plays a significant role in who you become. I was not always cognitive of the strong influence my grandparents and my Auntie Gloria were in my life, or how entrenched they are in my work; but when I think about it now it seems so obvious. The beloved cottage that my Papa Casazza built himself, on Juniper Road in York Beach Maine was trimmed in pink and surrounded by gardens filled with Roses, fruit trees and pumpkins. Papa would ceremoniously pick an apple and then shine it with purpose and vigor. The pine attic had boxes filled with Bebe’s little hankies, and I would stitch them together and make little treasures. The memories that live on Juniper Road, inside that little house, are some of the best childhood memories I have. The two homes on Central Street, with pink rose wallpaper, mountains of hand crocheted coverings, creaky stairs, screen doors and the intoxicating smells of Italian cooking and Ivory soap. How I wish that I could walk through those rooms now and bring in to sharp focus the details that I long for. On Saturday, my Great Aunt Gloria Lopresti, my godmother, will turn 90. I love you Auntie Gloria. You are very special.